• January 31st, 2021

Stretching exercises, helpful for patients with hypertension

A simple and accessible solution for people diagnosed with high blood pressure. Specialists advise them to do a few stretching exercises daily to better control hypertension problems.

Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan (Canada) found that half an hour a day of “whole body” stretching exercises reduced all types of blood pressure more than a brisk walk. The conclusions were based on a study in which 40 patients with an average age of 61 years, diagnosed with high blood pressure, participated, divided into two groups: those who did stretching exercises and those who only did outdoor walks.

The results, published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health, found that half an hour of exercise a day, for 5 days, was more effective in reducing blood pressure - a major risk factor for heart disease.

"When you stretch your muscles, you also stretch all the blood vessels that feed the muscles, including all the arteries," said study author Professor Dr. Phil Chilibeck. "If you reduce the stiffness of the arteries, there is less resistance to blood flow."

Plus, stretching is a form of exercise that is easier to do, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic (isolation and quarantine) or for patients with osteoarthritis and other conditions that prevent them from doing more intense physical activities.

Professor's tip: "When you're relaxing in the evening, instead of just sitting on the couch, you can get down on the floor and stretch while watching TV."

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