• February 8th, 2024

Children, screens and the impact on health

In a world dominated by technology, our children's exposure to screens has become ubiquitous, and with it come serious concerns among parents about the impact on health. Recent studies and research conducted by prestigious medical organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have revealed significant consequences for children's physical, cognitive and emotional health. This article takes a detailed look at the impact of children's screen exposure, exploring key medical issues that deserve attention.

If you are faced with dilemmas about how to handle this type of situation, or if your child is already experiencing effects from those described in this article, you can consult online with one of the specialists on the Digital Clinics platform. A psychologist, a specialist in pediatric psychiatry or a paediatrician is at your disposal with his expertise, just a click away.

1. Cognitive Development and the Impact of Blue Light

According to WHO research, children's exposure to blue light emitted by screens can affect cognitive development. This blue light has the potential to influence the circadian rhythm and can disrupt children's sleep as well as their ability to concentrate and learn. Thus, it is important to be aware of the direct impact on developing cognitive functions.

 2. Sleep Disorders and Effects on Quality of Life

Studies have shown that using electronic devices before bed can contribute to sleep disturbances in children. According to WHO recommendations, this is largely due to the impact of blue light on the production of melatonin, the hormone essential for sleep. Sleep disorders can affect children's quality of life, negatively influencing school performance and their overall development.

3. Physical Health Problems and the Risk of Obesity

Prolonged exposure to screens is associated with decreased physical activity in children. The WHO warns that this sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity and disorders related to cardiovascular health. Encouraging an active lifestyle and carefully monitoring the time spent in front of screens thus become imperative to prevent these health problems.

 4. Impact on Eye Health and Increase in Myopia

Medical research highlights the effects of excessive screen exposure on children's eye health. Dry eye syndrome, eye fatigue and increased risk of myopia are just some of the significant consequences. These problems can negatively influence the quality of vision and, implicitly, the school results of children.

 5. Emotional and Social Problems

Pediatric psychiatry has identified a significant correlation between screen time and children's emotional and social problems. The risk of social isolation and anxiety increases in the context of prolonged exposure to online content. Open communication and careful monitoring of children's behavior become imperative to prevent these problems.

 6. Risks of Aggressive Behavior and Viewed Content

Research has shown that exposure to violent or aggressive content on screens can contribute to aggressive behaviors in children. WHO recommends careful supervision of the content to which children are exposed to minimize the risks of aggressive behavior and promote healthy emotional development.

 How Can We Protect Children from the Negative Effects of Screen Exposure?

 Exposure Duration Limitation:

Setting clear limits on screen time, tailored to age and individual needs.

Content Monitoring:

Ensuring that the content children are exposed to is age appropriate and meets online safety standards.

Promotion of Physical Activities and Active Lifestyle:

Encouraging participation in physical and sports activities to counter sedentarism.

Creating a Healthy Sleep Environment:

Limiting screen use before bed to ensure restful and healthy sleep.

 Oversight and Open Communication:

Maintaining open communication with children, offering support and discussing the consequences of excessive screen time.

 By deeply understanding the impact of screen exposure and taking preventative measures, parents, teachers and health professionals can help protect children's health and optimal development in this ever-evolving digital age. It is imperative that we adapt our practices to ensure the health of our children and focus on promoting a balanced and healthy exposure to technology so that they can fully enjoy the benefits of the digital environment without suffering negative consequences. So, implementing a balance between screen use and offline activities can significantly contribute to maintaining the physical and mental health of our children.

By carefully monitoring screen time, promoting physical activity, and creating a healthy sleep environment, parents can guide their children toward a balanced lifestyle. It is also important to consider the content children are exposed to, making sure it is appropriate for their age and development.

In conclusion, children's exposure to screens can have profound medical implications, and understanding these aspects is crucial to protecting their health and well-being. By applying preventive strategies and promoting a healthy balance between technology and offline life, we can create an environment conducive to the optimal development of children in the digital age. It is our responsibility to educate and guide our children towards a conscious use of technology, ensuring that it does not negatively affect their quality of life and future.

 You can always talk to a psychologist or a pediatric psychiatrist about the questions you have, during an online consultation on Digital Clinics.

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